Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Charging up - tutorial

Here is a copy paste of a tutorial I did:

1) Do blocks of color, 
you can use an old illustration you did or a photo ref.

2)Draw the perspective lines and major blocks, 
get a feeling for the space.

3)On top of it start painting and define the overall, 
don't focus on a tiny area.

4)Start zooming in and polishing, or poping elements, 
is a good idea to use some soft edge brushes 
in combination with hard edge ones.

5)On a new layer draw the silhouette of the mecha, 
and charcaters and repeat steps 1-4 on them.

6)Use some masking selection and gradients to pop things more, 
maybe play with the brightness and contrast too. 
Use filters to taste, crop and save :-D


RAWLS said...

Awesome! Nice work my friend. I like seeing how you work. Great stuff.

Vaughan Ling said...

OH MY HOLY SHIT! So do you start out with the lasso tool to set up your blocks?

Matthew Scheuerman said...

Great tutorial. Great to see how you work. Some interesting workflow.

Stuart Kim said...

Holy Moly! You have a profound sense for visualizing the space and executing your marks to achieve the buildup of these forms. I really like that subtle depth of field effect. Great mecha and figures too! Thanks for the break down!

Dezarath said...

Very cool! You can sense a story with the characters around the Mecha. Thank you for the tutorial on how you came to such a neat piece.

Found your blog by google. Looking up Mecha, and what a gem I found.

chukw said...

Hey, Gabe- McNally just turned me on to to your sweet, sweet blog- awesome! Hope you guys are doing well-


HUNTBOT said...

awesome tutorial! looks amazing

Johannes Liehr said...

wow, great technique. awesome to see how you work.

chromasketch said...

great tutorial!

Davidk214@gmail.com said...

awesome tutorial!! I always learn something from your posts. more tutorial plz !

Mike Bear said...

I'm glad I found your blog. Respect!

Unknown said...

Great work and amazing colors !
Just fantastic :)

Mathieu Reynès said...

Incredible designs and colors ! I love it ;)

Matt Berger said...

thanks for the tutorial! really fun to see inside your brain ;]

Micah Kaneshiro said...

Thanks for posting this. Very helpful.

Robogabo said...

Hey guys, thanks a lot for all the nice comments :-)

Momo said...

very nice tutorial, is it possible to do a video in the future?

Søren Bendt said...

Great piece! Love your color and design. Thanks for sharing this, very inspirational!

Piyush said...

Great stuff Gobo. The painting is great too!


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